Fruit tree and bush fruits " best ever buys

Gardening to 'grow your own food' from square foot to half an acre !!
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Fruit tree and bush fruits " best ever buys

Post by barboo »

Evening all,
For anyone thinking of whats one of the very best return for your money spent on garden
fruits, It has tobe the fruit trees and the verious fruit bushes,

9 years ago when we bought this old place we did find hidden in the rear of the house an orchard, now as ive said before this place layed emptry for 25 years and it really was well over grown, the orchard had tree's that had fallen down years before we ever got here and they we're well hidden under the mass of brambles etc,
But once i'd cleared the area and could see what trees we could save i decided to add to them and make an orchard with the future in mind,
I bought verious apple/pear/ Cherry/ peach/plum, They take approx 7 years to give you a full crop,
Most of the price for each tree was at the time 19 euro (about £17) then
every year i get enough fruit for all our needs as fresh fruit plus jams/chutney, bottled fruit etc and this will go on for many years to come,
So if you've the space and you want a very good return for your money ?
Plant a few fruit trees or and fruit bushes "you'll not loose by it".
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Re: Fruit tree and bush fruits " best ever buys

Post by Mo »

Here, here. (Hear, hear??? I never know which)
And good return on labour too if you organise the planting and pruning of trees so that the grass between is easy to keep down.
I wouldn't be without them, when one nibble finishes the next starts - just now I have in my fruit bowl some plums (just a few left & a couple of shrivelled greengages), damsons, James Grieve and Lord Lambourne apples. And Bramley windfalls for pies. Plus a full freezer for winter - soft fruit, plums and last years pears.
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Re: Fruit tree and bush fruits " best ever buys

Post by barboo »

Hi Mo,
Great to hear a hawardien is doing so well with her fruit, (for those who dont know Hawarden is an area near chester "micheal ownens birth place "footballer".

Two things (1) have you been to Bridgemere garden centre yet ?
ITs on the other side of Nantwich and well worth the drive "they have a great cafe" & a good selection of everything gardening )t'

And (2) what i do ref the bottom of all my fruit trees is cut a circle around the bottom area's and plant bulbs for spring flowering and taggets for all summer flowering,
this cut out ring is great for feeding the tree during the winter with compost/manure and the more you grow in the ring the less weeds appear And it acts as a sort of clock to let you know during those wet march days that as you see the daffs bulbs breaking ground spring isn't far away and after that the flowers really say it all "springs here".
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