Gardening to 'grow your own food' from square foot to half an acre !!
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Post by Hellebore »

I was given a three tier hanging basket stand for my birthday and thought it would be perfect for growing tumbling tomatoes in the top two and salad leaves and pea shoots in the bottom one.
I planted the seeds a few week ago and they’ve turned into nice plants but as yet there is no sign of them starting to tumble. They are about 9” tall now. Have I done something wrong? Perhaps I should have nipped the man shoot out?
I always get my seed from reputable suppliers so am thinking it’s unlikely to have been a backaging error.
I would be grateful of any advice. Thank you.
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lancashire lass
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Post by lancashire lass »

Hellebore wrote: 31 May 2021, 18:36 They are about 9” tall now. Have I done something wrong? Perhaps I should have nipped the man shoot out?
A tumbling tomato plant is basically "any" tomato plant that isn't supported (that is, tied to a cane or taut string from the ceiling) As yet, the 9" plant is able to support itself but eventually the weight of the top portion of the plant will cause it to lean over ... However, like any plant, the growing tip will always try to grow towards the light so the tomato vine will not drape vertically down.

Don't nip off the main shoot unless that is what it says on the seed packet. What variety are they? All tomato plants produce shoots on the vine at the base of the leaf stem - normally these are nipped off on standard (supported) tomato plants so that all the nutrients will go to feed the flowers and fruit (for medium to large fruits) instead of new leaf growth, whereas those varieties specifically for hanging baskets tend to have small (cherry size) fruits which ripen quickly so the shoots can sometimes be left on to grow on and produce flowers, producing a plant covered in small tomatoes.
Hellebore wrote: 31 May 2021, 18:36 I was given a three tier hanging basket stand for my birthday and thought it would be perfect for growing tumbling tomatoes in the top two and salad leaves and pea shoots in the bottom one
How big is your 3 tier hanging basket? A standard hanging basket will normally support only 1 tomato plant (with the compost, watering and plant growth over the summer) and will get very heavy, so I'm just wondering if (the baskets in your 3 tier) are (i) big enough or (ii) if the bracket to support 3 baskets can take the weight?
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