Cats, cats and more cats!

Dogs, Cats, Fish, Parrots, Horses, ALL Domestic Pets
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Cats, cats and more cats!

Post by Trev62 »

Cats! I never liked them!

On moving here we came across a bedraggled half starved thing that we took pity on and fed, bad mistake as it had a kitten. Next up this kitten disappeared but Mum kept coming back for her daily meal. Fast forward and she turns up with another two kittens which over time she leaves on our doorstep. No problem we consign them to the barn but feed and water them. Time rolls on and she dumps another two kittens on us, by now the first two are happily going in and out of the house making themselves at home.

Enough is enough, so we get Mum hand tamed and take her to be done, no more kittens, hurrah (or should that be hooray?), wrong.... on releasing her we found we had caught her too late, she turned up with yet another two kittens and yes, she dumped them on us probably laughing as she disappeared out of the gate.

Later, one of the first kittens disappeared, the other one managed to get shot but thankfully (after a many months) has now recovered, it still has shrapnel in its body and a misshaped shoulder but he is doing well and the other four are still here as well.

All but the injured one are kicked out overnight when they patrol the barns and cellars keeping them vermin free but during the day they crash in the house anywhere they can.

I never thought I would enjoy being owned by a cat let alone five plus their Mum (who still comes for breakfast and tea) BUT (the first BUT)......... they are fascinating creatures and I think I am beginning to like them!

The second BUT................ that will come later!!
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Re: Cats, cats and more cats!

Post by Mo »

Wouldn't be without mine.
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Re: Cats, cats and more cats!

Post by Spreckly »

I always had a cat, until I met my husband, who had a dog, a large German Shepherd, my most feared breed. My youngest son continued to live in the family home, and had the cat. My husband and I got a rescue cat, who lived happily with our Rough Collie, and two shelties. I love cats and dogs.
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Re: Cats, cats and more cats!

Post by Trev62 »

I can understand that Mo after living with these but....and there is a second but.....

We have to keep replanting the onions as they keep digging them up.
Carefully planted seed beds are destroyed as they play in them.
Hats are ripped off your head as they lay in ambush on tree branches.
When walking the dogs they follow then go missing and you have to go back to collect them.
Keeping them off the worktops, it's impossible!
Why do they have to bring their prey home?
They destroy all the plastic we put up as wind proofing.
They use everything they can as a scratching post (including your legs!).
Why do they always dash between your legs and try to trip you up?

Yes, we enjoy having them but...........
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Re: Cats, cats and more cats!

Post by Mo »

And Tabitha gets between the computer keyboard and screen so that I can't see what I'm doing.
Yes, prey dead, prey alive (and lost) prey half digested on the duvet.
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Re: Cats, cats and more cats!

Post by Trev62 »

These also seem to forget at times that they are meant to be working barn cats, this being the case, why are four of them currently sleeping under the stove and one on the bed?

Serious lack of training on my part maybe!
"Not all those who wander are lost"
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