Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

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Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by redd_angel55 »

I bought this book last week after reading about it on here. The week before I simply ate a lot slower and therefore less as I was full quicker and lost 4.5lbs.
This past week I've been following Paul McK's system. I am due to weigh in tomorrow, so no idea how it went. Must admit though, it feels all wrong to eat whatever you like and still lose weight! My husband and I were in London all day Saturday and I REALLY ate what I wanted, but only when I was really hungry and only to the point when I was full.
Eagerly awaiting what the scales will reveal!
I know there are a few members on here following Paul McK's book. How long have you been doing it and more importantly, does it work?
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by boosmummy »

redd_angel55 wrote:I bought this book last week after reading about it on here. The week before I simply ate a lot slower and therefore less as I was full quicker and lost 4.5lbs.
This past week I've been following Paul McK's system. I am due to weigh in tomorrow, so no idea how it went. Must admit though, it feels all wrong to eat whatever you like and still lose weight! My husband and I were in London all day Saturday and I REALLY ate what I wanted, but only when I was really hungry and only to the point when I was full.
Eagerly awaiting what the scales will reveal!
I know there are a few members on here following Paul McK's book. How long have you been doing it and more importantly, does it work?

Nothing can make me lose weight i love food too much!! The problem is, i used to be a runner and ate whatever i liked, now i can run but still eat what i want :? I dont know about paul mckenna, but i wanted to say good luck!!
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by jannie »

I'm ashamed to say I bought this book and CD about 6 yrs ago and still haven't opened it :oops: ..But ... I made a promise to myself yesterday that, I will be my ideal weight by my next birthday I'd love to know if it's worked for you. .. I'm going to start reading it tonight after I've finished the book I'm reading now )t'
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by redd_angel55 »

Jannie, I don't yet know if it worked, BUT my biggest downfall is chocolate in any shape or form! The book contains craving buster techniques. One to put a lid on your cravings and another to stop them for good. I did the latter a couple of times and I haven't had a single piece of chocolate in 6 days. I know that doesn't sound like a long time, but for me that's amazing! My kids are pleased I haven't eaten all their chocolate for once AND there is still Nutella in the cupboard! That's unheard off, I normally eat the stuff with a spoon {rofwl}
I've already lost 3st with another program, but wanted to try something different. Haven't got that much more to lose, maybe a stone!
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by wendy »

My daughter went to a hypnotist for weight loss and was told to eat what she wanted and stop when she was full.
She now weighs more than I do and more than she ever has before :?
You gathered it wasn't Paul Mackenna.
I wish she would go back and have the curse removed.

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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by manda »

I don't want you to think I'm not going to post here because I have started this but I decided to keep all my thought about whatever it is I'm doing now (because Paul says its not a diet!!!) in the doing something about weight thread (I'm conditioned to go there now :shock: )...but if it's OK with you I will try and put my answer here as well.
It means some will read both and have a feeling of deja vu but I know that perhaps some members might look at the losing weight thread and not bother looking at something about a specific way of eating...does that make sense..because it does in my head but it might be complete gobbledeegook for you who are not )grin2(

Anyhoo to answer your question here Redd...
I bought the Paul McKenna book and although I'm not all the way through it yet I'm most of the way so I thought I would start applying the principles he says will work to help you lose weight.
So I'm really thinking about eating when I'm hungry, consciously, what I want and stopping when I'm seems too simple doesn't it? Actually it's not THAT simple you do really have to concentrate (I'm hoping that eventually like all habits it will become spinal cord and it won't have to be quite so consciously!).

So this week...well I picked a week to birthday week :?

I know that I had put on 2.6kgs over my birthday (well contrary to what goes into it carrot cake really can't be considered one you 5 a day ) - I know this because I was jumping on and off the scales like a thing demented (guilt is a great driving force isn't it!!)..
As it was coming to an end (the carrot cake that is) it seemed a good time to start - so over the weekend (and we are now on Tuesday morning here) I have applied the rules....and this morning when I weighed myself I've got rid of 2kgs of the gain so I am happy because that means that despite having stuffed myself silly with carrot cake and chocolate and chinese I have only gained 600g after being disciplined for 3 days.

I have eaten what I have wanted - there have been no barriers...if I wanted cake I had it, ice cream..yep. The thing I have found the hardest to do is slow down ..I've always seemed to eat on the run, I'm always in a hurry to do things (people here ask I how I fit the things I do into my life...well that will give you a clue ). I have noticed though that by slowing down I have been able to notice when I'm getting full rather than eating what's on the plate then sitting back later and having that uncomfortably full feeling.

I don't know why I have ended up in a battle with food but I have but what makes absolute sense to me is sorting out the psychological relationship with food.

He (Paul) reckons you shouldn't weigh yourself any more than every 2 weeks..I'm not sure I can do that but I will do it weekly at the most and see where I go from here.

Am I convinced it will work? ...if I'm honest No I do feel sceptical.
Do I have hope?...Yes I do and I'll add this having read through this before I posted it gives me more.
Time will tell
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by redd_angel55 »

Thank you Manda for your reply! Well done for getting rid off 2kg of your gain. I agree, the eating slowly is not easy and requires a great deal of concentration and I have to constantly remind myself to sloooow down! But yes, I am sure it'll become second nature over time!
I too ate things that I would normally not consider weighloss aiding food. Pizza, cake, pasties ect and I really really enjoyed eating all this! I feel liberated being able to eat these things, but like you I am still not entirely convinced! I guess we really are brain washed! >dum<
What has worked though is the craving buster exercise! Chocolate is my BIGGEST hurdle! I just lose all control when eating it. One piece is just not enough!
After doing the above exercise, I didn't have a single piece and strangely enough, I didn't fancy any either! If nothing else in this book works, this has!
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by manda »

We were in the office at work the other night and had it playing (one of my colleagues has a recording of him talking you through it (it's a bit different to the book) we were all sat there tapping away and humming and rolling our eyes....
I did think it would be rather strange if one of our patients had come out and saw us all doing the exercise....I work in mental health unit )grin2(
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by redd_angel55 »

manda wrote:I did think it would be rather strange if one of our patients had come out and saw us all doing the exercise....I work in mental health unit )grin2(

{rofwl} Yes, that would have been a bit strange!
I didn't mean the tapping exercise. The one I mentioned above is the compulsion destroyer, which will eliminate a particular craving for good. In my book it's on page 120.
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by Grannyof4 »

This is from someone who has struggled with weight for more years than I care to account for. We are are brainwashed to think that we should have 3 meals a day and we will eat whether we are hungry or not. I have never tried Paul McKenna but know people who have...for some it has worked for others, not. Some people find it difficult to know when they have had enough. It takes about 20 mins. for the brain and stomach to communicate. Eating slowly does make a difference. Personally, I find that if I am out for a meal with a group of people and we are talking and eating, I eat far less because I am eating much slower. We don't give ourselves time to eat these days, it is grab a sandwich, eat on the run etc. grab convenience foods. I really have had to get my head round losing weight for the sake of my joints. I joined Weight Watchers and am doing really well. I am making time for my meals. I have always loved cooking and even though on my own, still cook fresh meals, make soup etc. Losing weight is not easy, 99% of it is in the head and if that is not in place it is sooooo hard. The main thing is that you burn more calories than you put we are told!!
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by manda »

Yep I know the one you mean Redd...

This is the one we were doing {rofwl}" onclick=";return false;

Hey at the end of the day if the exercise works then great.

Granny I think that's what I like about his books he tries to take the guilt out of food along with other things's not that simple we know that but he says in the book unless you look at the whole psyche about your relationship with food then you will always do what you've always done and continue to struggle in the long term with food.
He is very good at NLP (Neuro Lynguistic Processing) and whilst it's not necessarily measurable or produces consistent results (from a scientific point of view) it has had I'll give it a go.

Like I said before the CD that goes with the book very relaxing so if I get nothing else from it I have had some great sleeps )grin2(
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by rhubarb93 »

Thanks for the link Manda. He's a pretty entertaining guy, and so up-beat he makes you want to give it a try. My family will no doubt think I've gone nuts, but I am going to give it a go next time I get a food craving (often for nuts!)
>gl< hope it works for you and everyone else who is trying it.
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by Sunny B »

I don't know about the "make you thin", but his "make you sleep" CD works a treat for me )t'

Mind you, his "make you rich" hasn't worked for me yet - I think it only worked to make HIM rich by me paying for the book! {rofwl}
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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by manda »

Sunny I'm hoping in the long term I will have saved some money then...because the make me thin cd makes me sleep as well {rofwl} {rofwl}
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Paul McKenna....I can make you thin

Post by boosmummy »

The thing is...will we ever be happy with our weight?? I'm not happy, but then, i think i just think, this is me, my husband loves me and so therefore, maybe i should just stay at it?

i did a blog post about this a few months ago but and this is my general thought about weight:

When your 26 most of us will look back and wish we had the carefree life and (some of us) body of your 16 year old self. When your 36 you'll wish you had the body and life of your 26 year old self and so on and so forth, just be as happy as you can be at the age you are right now.

and here is a picture of me at 18 on the left and 29 on the right, on the left i was on holiday, i was a 'hardcore runner' running 6 miles three times a week and on the right this was my wedding day:


my husband says that photo 1 'it looks like holiday at death camp' and photo 2 'you can go wrong with those baps pet' (hes such a romantic isnt he?) On the basis of that opinion should i just be happy and see myself as other people see me?
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