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Legendary Laner
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Sunday should be fun , chess best part of the day.
see what happens , Tuesday .
Legendary Laner
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Gwenoakes »

Sounds like you are on a roll, Bob. Good luck for Sunday.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi my roll end rather suddenly.
I played 3 game s on Sunday.
First game was well a head and over confident . I put my queen in I thought a safe place (a quick move ,not in line with how I was playing ) and it was taken by a pawn....
I did not recover and checkmated soon after .
so lost one .
Second game , same happened lost quite convincingly.
I put this down to 2 things .
1 I played the same sort of moves to do the same thing (in mind) .trouble he opened in different way and started using his Queen quite well . He told me he had been on computer learning new moves and openings .

So 2 games lost one more to be equal....
Last game I was down and out .
All I had left on the board was my KING .
He had King , Bishop and a QUEEN (changed a pawn .)
Now I did not knock the king over , (he certainly would . ) . He proceeded to try to checkmate me with the Bishop and Queen leaving his King the other side of the board . Now I know his finishing ability is rubbish . I also know that it is pretty hard to use a Bishop in getting check mate . So I was a bit worried but thought worth a go at getting a draw,
Well went to the corner hemmed in by queen along the 7 th row so all I could do was move along the 8th row. He brought his Bishop over and Horray , I could not move I then offered my had and said a draw , His face was a picture ,. He said I can still move . I explained it was my turn .
He then said a draw is 3 same moves I said but it is my turn and I cannot move so a draw . He studied the board again and gave up and a draw was called .
I have now really got to rethink my game as the old school play that served me well for quite a few years now has become redundant.
Score is 20 to me and 19 to him.
We had another argument again .
I said I won the tournament first to 20...
(Not agreed but always good for a sour face on his part .)
Well he went in to one saying 51 game s as 39 played . I pointed out that we have had more than 39 games as we have had plenty of draws...
Rubbing salt in his wounds from the games played today...
We agreed in the end that we would play 11 more games or if I get to 26 I win 25 for a draw . What ever happens to get a draw he has to win 6 games .
Any drawn game`s may also effect the final out come .
Well I hope I have not dropped my self in it as I was going to make a badge (Large one ) with Champion and wear it ever time I see him.
Big kids at play (not nicely may I add.)
So as I have said GAME ON and a lot of studying on the board .
Consult a friends at work for some opening moves .
Legendary Laner
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Gwenoakes »

It sounds as though things could get nasty. Both of you play nicely.........please.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , it is using mind games as well as skill.
If he gets under pressure he may break or improve . Works both ways unfortunately as pressure could be put back on my self.
If he ever wins the TOURNAMENT then my life will be hell ever time we meet . But I will take the risk as the gains would be worth the risk.
We do enjoy playing and if the thoughts could be harnessed it would power a house for weeks (with a couple of blackouts now and again) .
If he did not enjoy it he would not play for sure.
Legendary Laner
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , The air went blue on Sunday ....
Not pleased as the first game I followed his opening moves and got in a good position , but I took a Knight with my Queen , did not follow the moves like I had been doing , His Bishop slipped down hidden amongst his pawns and took it , from then on it was trying to hang on . His face lit up when all I had was my King on the board. (Planned , new if I put my pieces in a taking position he would not stop from taking them.
He had Queen , King and more pawns than enough.
He attacked me with King and the Queen , backed me in to a corner , which I aagain planned . He brought his King down and DRAW . I could not move ... Soon as he took his hand off it I offered my hand in a handshake . He did it and then realised it was a draw . He said I have done it again .... Well I called him a few names and he said a few to himself . Smile on my face .
I said I was disappointed with him after so many errors at the end game and that all the games I played I have not taught him anything .
I said He may have looked at opening moves , but it needs a middle and a end GAME as well .
Well a cup of coffee , bit of cake and second game .
Well Gloves are of now as the game I played was in much need of improvement on my part for sure . At 21 - 20 to me I cannot afford to let him catch up.
Second game , game on . Well No MERCY this time , I took his pieces that he likes . using his Queen and the Knights I swapped them for Queens and Bishops and gained a pawn in the process . So he still had his King stuck on the back row blocked by his piece`s , with my knights up in front , A castle move to my left , out comes my right Castle to the second line , over to the same line as the left Castle . A few counter moves like his right side Castle pawn to get his Castle out . Did not free his King up for escape route . With the Knights stopping any taking moves up went the Castles protected by each other and Checkmate . Game over . 1 up .
22 - 20
Well up for another game and a gluten for punishment.
Third game was good and a lot of concentration by both of us.
It ended in one of my best ever finishes , with plenty of pieces on the board and Checking before checkmate . Always good to see him watch the sword come down on his KING .So 2 and a draw to me .
If he had won the first game it could have been so different.
I love CHESS , people that do not play competitively would never understand .
To win is not the point it is to play well , and the best game was the draw as I had to work and rely on my knowledge of my opponent plays.
Not able to play for a while as holidays and busy times ahead .
look up some more new moves and positions to play as I can relax with a 3 point lead (23 - 20 ) 3 games means I can walk around with a LARGE badge saying `I beat you` . Champion.....
Big Kid I know.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi score now 25 to 23 some funny games last Sunday , high points was the who made the biggest mistakes and how many in a game .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , well I have completed the Chess games and won .
the last games on Sunday was disappointing and I again lost it....
First game I lost my Queen half way through , after being in a commanding position , fought back but lost the upper hand . Again he had a Bishop , King 2 pawns on my left side lines , against my king and 2 pawns opposite his .
He used his Bishop and King and put me in a can not move position again and a draw was the result. If he ever learns to finish a game he will win more for sure , till then tough .
Second game I lost it when he moved his Queen took his hand of it and then realised his error and said he had not taken his fingers off.....
I went mad as the gap between his fingers and piece was huge not a shake of hand (which he likes to claim....
Well he realised he could not justify the claim and excepted it . I said his queen was dead anyway so offered to put it back , he declined , mainly because he did not know what else to do with it as trapped in corner. I won pretty easily and he gave me the CHAMPIONSHIP......
So new games to start .
Hope we can play better , my game needs refining as I easily get over confident and loose pieces silly . He needs to think before letting go of pieces and not move them till sure to make sure he does not make mistakes .
Most of all he needs to practice winning end moves and what he can and can not do with a king cornered.
Legendary Laner
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi had the first games of the next challenge with friend.
He warmed up on a 7 year old .
Felt confident as beat him (mercilessly )
I played him and wanted to take ever piece of the board.
Well I had more important pieces and he had more pieces as he had a few more Pawns.
I took command and He got down to a few pieces (pawns ) on the (my ) left blocked by my pawns and pieces . His king was on the right and I got a pawn home for a Queen . It was at this point I said I am going to take every piece of the board and then call check mate .
HE GAVE UP and knocked the king over ........
I won ....
He then played SHMBO , daughters Husband , whom he beat giving him a head lift , a much needed one as he was a bit up set losing to me so badly .
So game on 1 up 1-o to me.
Legendary Laner
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi latest . Played last Sunday . 2 games .
First I played to win , safe , sure and attacked on the right used the left side to cover the right flank so as he could not slip in behind .
I got the bishop covering the king from the right . Knight got to attack the square Queen was on next to the King . I then moved the castle up the right to pawn line , shot across and called Check mate . As protected by Knight . His King blocked in by his own pieces and could not move to his left.
Second game straight after was much the same except a few different pieces used . He did not see it coming as trying to protect a piece he thought I was attacking .
So 3 nil .
Declared he was not going to win a game . (Match on .) He is worried as he has no defense , attack or FINISH.
To add to his troubles , I said I was going to teach his other family member (Whom he beats all the time ) How to play some moves to win and defense`s , what he plays with (horse / Knight s) .
I left Sunday He wanting more punishment and worried about my new tactics .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Well after a 1 and a half hour drive (should be 30 min ) no game today . He was lucky I think.
He is off to Spain Next week and MTB bike season is on .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi well Sunday I managed to cont. my games . First game I was down a piece but in a strong position .
Not sure what happened and made me think a lot after it .
He seemed to attack and I was open and he called check . Actually it was checkmate and he did not know it . I do get annoyed when he does not realise his position . It tells me he plays with no end game or what a end game looks like . Not knowing means he can not see the possibilities of winning when he should.
Well I was only 2 moves from calling checkmate my self . Which was really annoying as I should not off left my self defenceless and lost .
Well 3 to 1 and another game on . I won that being extra careful in my play and taking piece advantage early on and not taking any risks and straight in with the checkmate .
Same position King on back line with pawns and castle to my left and King no where to go. King had moved once so no chance of a castle move out the way .
I love putting pieces out for bait which after several pieces being taken leaves me up and in a commanding position .
So 4 to 1 .No white wash this time .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Well had a great Sunday .
Played to games .
First , he annoyed me so no mercy .
I even played the mind games on him by walking round the board and looking at his pieces from all angles .
He asked what I was doing . I said I was looking at his defence from a different angle. (Ha Ha).
While he was thinking what I was up too , he was not concentrating on the game .
So I took a few pieces to weaken his defence . At this point he accused me of just taking pieces . Again he was more interested in what I was doing piece wise than his game . He lost when I again got Castle , Queen and Knight his back row and his king could not move . Check mate.
I actually told him it was coming as no way out.
Second game he tried to do the same by coming round my side and looking over my shoulder , I was laughing , which if it was a distraction did not work .
I had less than a hour before he had to go out and I was going home . Well same again some variation to moves . He saw it coming and said he had to go ,
I said three moves don`t care and check mate , disagreed .
I said I won and if he does not finish the game I will count it as a win.
He moved I won and he lost 2 more games , not happy . a lesson learnt dont upset me before the game.
6 -1 to me.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Mo »

You are horrid to him, aren't you.
Dance caller.
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , YES . He comes back for more . Always asking when I am coming again...
Trouble is I am from a family of 5 children and had to fight my corner . Dip my hand in pocket and willing to pay out when necessary.
He on the other hand is tight , Child of one , always right and never carries money (Gets other half to pay his bills and owes till next time.)
We walk down the street tripping each other up , never agree .
Good chess player mate , can surprise ..... NEVER go on holiday with him....
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