Ilona's Frugal February 2018

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Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

This living frugally lark is pretty much embedded into my brain and my life. I don't think I could live any other way now. I prefer to call it making the most of the money I have, and living within my means. Not spending any money on things I can't afford, saving up to pay cash, not borrowing any money, and knowing the difference between needs and wants.

Most of my money saving is in my day to day living expenses, a few pounds, pennies even, saved here and there all mount up over a period of a year. My meals are all £1 and under, some as low as a 20p or 30p, if I can get reductions. Today I made up a packet of Macaroni Cheese, 35p, added a handful of frozen peas, and two chopped mushrooms, ate half for my lunch and will eat the rest tomorrow. I don't mind eating the same meals 2 or 3 days running, it's all food which I have paid for.

I have just had notice of my gas and electricity going up in March. Not a big price increase and if I am careful with my usage I probably won't notice the difference. I am expecting a bill any day now for the last quarter. I am with a supplier which has zero standing charge, no penalties for quarterly payments, everyone pays the same, and no exit fees so I am not tied into a contract.

On the whole I don't like contracts, I am on a PAYG for my cheap Nokia mobile phone, it costs around £5 a month, if I make any calls or texts.

Although I am frugal in many ways, I also take into consideration the time it takes me to find best deals. For instance I will not spend time on the computer looking for car insurance. I have been with a broker from the year dot, they look after me, they check for the best deals, and it is always what I think is reasonable.

Someone above mentioned boiler cover, I don't have that. My boiler is not that old, I got it on a Warm Front grant, I have a good plumber here who services it for me. When he came last time he did some other jobs for me as well, at a very good price.

Most of my car expenses come in December/January, so everything is legal at the moment. I put four new tyres on last year, saved up for that, paid cash. I will probably have another year with this car then trade it in for a newer model, I am saving for that now.

I don't spend hardly anything on my house, it isn't a priority. When I come to sell it the new owners will probably rip it apart anyway. It's comfortable for me, I don't bother about keeping up appearances or keeping up with the Jones's.

At the moment I am running my food stocks down, which I do every two or three months. I might go shopping for a few essential items, I need some eggs, but I have plenty of other things I can eat. I don't expect to be spending very much in February, maybe the odd day out or two. Petrol a bit low so I need to fill up soon.

I'll pop in from time to time to update my progress.
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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Your writing I would imagine is pretty standard for quite a lot of the population.
Most do not have a choice . I think those that do have choices are the ones that need to reflect. It is easy to live in a bubble .
Where I live there are hard working people that are struggling to survive and anything else is just a dream.
But then when you compare to a third world country we do not do so bad in general.
Glad you are as happy as you make yourself and looking good for it .
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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Mo »

This living frugally lark is pretty much embedded into my brain and my life. .....I don't spend hardly anything on my house, it isn't a priority. When I come to sell it the new owners will probably rip it apart anyway.

Exactly how I feel. On a lot of fronts. It would take a lot to make my house immaculate so I just do what I need.
Some of the money saving is a bit of a game - getting the better of the supermarkets and the banks. Well, I know Bob is right, for some people it is an essential struggle. I'm lucky that OH had a good salary and pension.
Some is .... I suppose I'd better start my own thread.
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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Mo wrote: I suppose I'd better start my own thread.

Good idea Mo. You being frugal must have a few tips to share.

I will have to do a bit of spending soon, I'm running low on cat food. As well as my own two cats, I also feed a cat from up the road. He has been coming for about ten years, there is no one in the house all day, and in the cold weather it's not fair to leave him outside. He appears on my doorstep most mornings, I feed him and he snoozes on the window sill for most of the day. There are two more cats who come mooching around, they might get some food, or they might not. I'm a sucker for animals. I even keep dog treats in my pocket as I walk around the village, I know most of the dogs and their owners.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Good morning. Confession, I spent money yesterday, maybe if I explain what I bought and why, I might be forgiven. I was in town visiting the 20 21 Arts Centre, in which I spent £30. I booked for a one day workshop (6 hours) for next month to learn Free Motion Embroidery. That will be fun. I also called in a couple of shops for essentials while I was there.

The shop which Stretches Pounds has some greatly reduced dry cat food, it's in a white bag and it's called Perfect Fit, 750grm. This can be as much as £4.50 in some shops, when on offer it can be found for £3.50. However in the Stretcher shop it is £1.99. That's cheap, but wait a minute, there is one variety which is £1 per bag, and it's called Pro-Sterile. I think this may not be selling as well as the rest so they have reduced it further. My cats like it, so I am stocking up on it while there is still some. Only three bags on the shelf so I took them. I will look again another day.

While I was there I picked up a large box of Felix pouches (44), for £9.49. These will keep Garcia going for a while, Heidi likes it as well, and maybe a bowl for visiting Micky once in a while.

Next to pick up a few items from the Al Diddly shop for me. Fridge a bit low, need a few things to top up.
Potatoes- Charlotte 65p
Carrots 1kg 45p
Cranberry juice drink 59p
Pineapple juice drink 65p
Strawberry milk shake 1 Ltr 85p
Meat free burgers £1.25
1 pint whole milk 49p
Bag baby spinach 89p
Chicken breast slices for the cats £1.69
Mature white cheddar £1.65
2 Pkts Pasta & sauce 39p each
6 large FR eggs 89p
3 Bananas 13p each
Red seedless grapes £1.45
Blueberries 89p
Mushrooms 69p
Treat for me, btl Chardonnay £3.99
Total £18.24.
This will keep me going for a while. I have a £6 off a £40 shop voucher to use in the BIG supermarket, it runs out at 4pm today. Shall I go there and use it? When I have put these vouchers in my purse in the past I struggle to get up to £40. I only use them when I am very low on stocks, and I can bulk buy dry, tinned, and frozen food. I have enough at the moment, so the voucher is unlikely to get used. I suppose you could say that is throwing away £6, but there will be another one in the post in a couple of months time, so I will eat what I already have and run things down in readiness for using that one.

Still waiting for my gas and electricity bill, they are slow in sending them out. A bonus came in the post yesterday, from my mortgage provider, with a cheque for £134.06. Apparently they mis calculated the amount I paid to finish off the mortgage, which was in 2013. They added on 8% compensatory interest, and deducted 20% income tax from that. So this cheque has more than paid for what I spent yesterday. Swings and roundabouts, balancing the money in and money out.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Mo »

That workshop may sound a big chunk, but for something that is a main hobby it is good value now & then. Don't think I'd want to spend that much every week. I had a few singing lessons in the summer, and thought "ouch £30 an hour- my piano lessons only used to cost 3s 6d for half an hour" (60 years ago).

Well done getting cheap cat food - can go badly wrong on that if cat won't eat it. I have to remember to call into Tesco when passing Pat, won't eat Sains own or Co-op. Co-op is my only local shop and they only sell own brand or tiny boxes of Go-Cat which are really dear.
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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Mo wrote:

Well done getting cheap cat food - can go badly wrong on that if cat won't eat it. I have to remember to call into Tesco when passing Pat, won't eat Sains own or Co-op. Co-op is my only local shop and they only sell own brand or tiny boxes of Go-Cat which are really dear.

Cats can be so fickle. I tried different types of dry food when their previous one went out of production, and there was no more, which was a shame because they loved it. I had to find something similar. They don't like the cheaper ones, own labels, Go Cat, Whiskas, etc, so I went up a notch, and found one that they do like. So now I have to look for offers on that particular brand. I shall be going back to that shop and buying more as long as it stays at £1 a bag.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

I spent £1 in cash today, my weekly Crafty Club subs. I also spent £31 on the credit card. I booked a two night stay at Howarth Youth Hostel, bed in a dorm and two breakfasts. I am a member so it brings it down to £10 a night for a bed. Can't complain about that. Now is a good time to stay at a hostel, before it gets too busy.

I also got lucky and found three large plastic buckets in a commercial waste wheelie bin outside the Village Hall. One of them was brand new. I love free, much better than cheap.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

That's put a spanner in the works, just had notice that my car tax runs out at the end of the month. I'd forgotten I bought the car in February. I suppose I should have marked it on the calendar as a reminder, but they send a letter anyway. I also get a letter reminding me of the insurance, but no letter arrives about the MOT, I have to mark that date down.

Car Tax cost £135, so that cancels out the refund received from my mortgage provider, so I won't be splashing out with that little bonus. Ah well, as long as it all balances out in the end.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

That's torn it, I've been to a funeral, put £2 in the church plate, went to town for cat food and bank, and spent some more. {cry} All things I needed though. Cat food eight boxes of pouches at £1.50 each. Looked for offers but couldn't find any, and only had one hour free parking. It had to be gravy because she likes to lick it off. I should have bought this last week then I could have put off the journey till next week.

While I was there I did a top up shop for me. Quiche £1.35, this I will cut into four pieces for four meals, with veg and salad. Frozen pizza for 85p. I don't usually get pizza, but it's handy to have one in case I can't be bothered to cook. It also can be split into four pieces. Tub of pasta salad 99p, again something handy for when I don't want to cook. Like today I was late back so I just put things on a plate straight from the fridge. Six large FR eggs, 89p, I eat an egg a day so I have enough now for the next week. Iceberg lettuce 42p, fills the plate up, makes it look a big meal but few calories. Broccoli 45p, Brussels Sprouts 62p, got to have my greens. . Plain yogurt 68p.

Phew, I must stop spending.
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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

I haven't been anywhere today, so I haven't spent any money. Result! )t'

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Hello. I have spent a little bit today. Heidi's tablets cost £6.40 every six weeks, so not expensive. She has a blood disorder. I need to buy a free motion foot for my sewing machine. One shop didn't have one, but I came out with a 50p soft red scarf, it's lovely and snug and warm. It's like a long stocking, you are supposed to open it out and stretch it, and wear it as a cowl, but I prefer the scarf version. Another shop I went in didn't have the foot either.

On the way back I pass a little Tes&co, some yellow stickers but not cheap enough for me. Next door is a Co op, (orange stickers) I found a pot of Greek style yogurt reduced from £1.35 to 34p, and a packet of blueberries reduced from £2 to 99p. Nothing else bought, I only stopped for the reductions.

The car is low on petrol, I will need some next time I use it.

Dinner tonight was one mushroom, six pickled onions, one Quorn fillet, all chopped up and cooked in oil with seasoning. I added some steamed potatoes and carrots left over from last night. When it was almost ready I broke an egg into it to scramble. It was lovely. Cheap and simple.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

It's been raining a lot today. I managed to fight off the urge to go to the shops, decided to have a day crafting. Nothing spent. :-D

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Very cold today, haven't been anywhere. Not spent any money. I cut and coloured my hair but I bought the colour months ago so I had one ready. It cost £1. Does the job just as well as one costing a lot more, and a heck of a lot cheaper than going to the hairdressers.

Dinner tonight was a plate of steamed vegetables with a sprinkling of grated mature cheddar.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

I spent £1 this morning, as I do every Monday Morning. This is what we pay at Chat and Craft, it is for the room hire and refreshments. 59p spent at the village shop, I needed a small bottle of milk.

There will be some spending over the next few days, but as usual I shall be looking for reductions. Time for a treat or two as well.

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