hen or cockerel?

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hen or cockerel?

Post by Mo »

Could you change it before hatching?
I know some members have had hens that stopped laying and started crowing but bleeping at eggs??? Whatever next.
Dance caller. http://mo-dance-caller.blogspot.co.uk/p/what-i-do.html
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire

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lancashire lass
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Re: hen or cockerel?

Post by lancashire lass »

... perhaps not so far fetched actually. At embryonic stage, it's just a ball of cells rather than a fully formed chicken so an outside source can influence how it develops regardless of the chromosomes which normally determine male/female. For example, crocodile embryos change s.ex according to outside temperature (warm = male, cool = female) Some fish and amphibian species can change to female when a population is predominantly male. Evolution of higher animals are the result of natural selection but every species retain dormant genes from its ancient past so it's possible the frequency of the sound waves might just be disruptive enough for those genes to be activated in the early stages of embryo development

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