Trev's Troupe

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Trev's Troupe

Post by Trev62 »

Hello...................My name is Michael Caine....................


Its not really its actually Blackie but I've always wanted to say that!!!!

Anyway, I am the leading rooster here (I did type something else but The Boss censored it!) and thought it was time to join in and start a diary. I won't be able to post everyday as The Boss does not want my muddy claws constantly on his keyboard, spoilsport! But, I will do my best to sneak in when he is not around and providing that rabbit does not tell on me I will keep you up to date with the comings and goings here.

A little summary of my home life.........................I share my coop with five lovely feathered ladies, three youngsters (Gobby, White Girl and Peggy) who are my favorites and two broody matrons (Floppy and Scabby) who supervise them (and me but do not let them know I admitted that!), you may have seen some photos of us and our coop when The Boss eventually managed to post them on this site, he is a bit slow and still requires further training but we are getting there with him. We have total free range in the garden apart from the bit where all the good stuff is, you know, where all the lettuces, courgettes, blackberries and raspberries etc are, told you The Boss was a spoilsport but we did wreck his herb garden last year. I heard a whisper he was re planting it once again when the snow has gone, good pecking ahead for us there then!!!!

Today it was warm enough for us to get out for a wander before giving The Boss instructions to clear the snow out of the new chicken area, I say new, The Boss started it last year but his progress has been slow unlike his fast and speedy excuses for not finishing it! No choice but to crack on with it in the Spring as my baby chicks are to be hatched there, so if you have any influence over him a stern word in his ear would be appreciated.

Right introduction over, remember all you girlie chicks out there I love a party so if you are ever passing there is a space in my coop for you!!!!
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Trev62 »

Well today was the day for our weekly trip into The Bosses coop (or house as he calls it), this is never a pleasant experience! He says it is for our own good to have this weekly experience or to use his term "health check" but I will tell you it is not pleasant having him ruffle the feathers all over your body, staring deep into your eyes, stretching out your wings and tickling your feet then to cap it all he goes and rubs that horrible petroleum jelly stuff over all your exposed skin including on your legs!! The ladies love it but I am a rooster and it does my street cred no good at all!! Anyway he has passed us all fit and healthy he also seems happy that the frostbite on my crown has not got any worse and he treated us all to blackberries afterwards, so we will forgive him this time.

We spent the rest of the day turning the grassy area he cleared of snow for us into a mud bath, what a time we had doing that! We also overheard him say this mud bath will have to be reseeded, brilliant, more seeds to scratch and peck at, he will never learn.
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Cheshire Chick »

Sounds like you are all having fun there. What lovely posts!! Glad that they are all keeping their human in check. )like(
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Spreckly »

What a stunning rooster, Trev.
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Trev62 »

Well what can I say about today, all you chicks out there missed out on a right party. The day did not start to well with that pesky sparrowhawk returning this morning and sitting in a tree observing us, felt a tad uncomfortable that but lucky for us Mad Dog Max spotted him and soon had him flapping his wings to who knows where! Handy mate to have when in a tight corner.

Every Friday here is "Egg tally day" and depending on how my lovely ladies have performed we get treated accordingly. sixteen this week, yes I say again sixteen eggs this week!!!! So it was party time.....butternut squash party time!!! Yippee, what a feast, a whole large one for us (though we did share the left overs with our sparrow friends). Floppy was late as usual, she always has problems deciding what to wear!!


Oh nearly forgot, I read on the "Interchicknet" that you have a veg shortage over there in old Blighty, is it true them old big horrible supermarket thingys are rationing your humans to only three lettuces? Bad news, lucky here the Boss is already growing some in old water bottles, willing to send you some if you wish, you'll find me on "Chickbook" or you can always cluck me on "Clucker", don't you just love these social chicken sites!
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Trev62 »

Spreckly wrote:What a stunning rooster, Trev.

Thanks Spreckly, he is one of our original ones, nearly loss him to "Pasty Butt" when he was younger and he was a right ugly thing! I hope you do not mind if I do not pass the compliment on to him as his crown is too big for his head already!! :-D
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Trev62 »


Hi thought it was time for a quick update, Blackie apologizes for not being here but the Boss is keeping him warm in his coop somewhere on account of his frostbite, me? I just stole in as he left the door open, he is probably outside looking for me so he can secure the coop for the night, he will use any excuse to get out of the ironing! I will say this though, it is a lot warmer in here than out there, it just needs some hay and straw scattered around to make it feel like home!

We all passed our weekly check over today and now sport a good layer of that petroleum jelly stuff, I wanted to go all punk and have the Boss gel and spike all my feathers but he would not have it, said something about it not being "in vogue" at present, he just loves those posh phrases. Give him some credit though he has been out checking the perimeter fence in the cold today as the jackals passed by last night making a racket, paw tracks all down by the wall this morning, lack of food out there for them so they are trying their luck for a Bulgarian Chicken take away!

Sorry to hear about your flu issues in England, not so bad in our area though that could change if the word on the chickvine is right but only a lot of clucking at present no facts yet!

Gotta fly the Boss has sent the rabid rabbit to find me...... talk again soon, cluck cluck for now!

PS That good looking bird in the picture....guess who??? Yes its me!!!!!
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by KarenE »

Hello Trev's chicks and Blackie/Michael Caine, it's Dory Grey and the gang from the House of the Revlootion. Ssshhh don't tell anyone its us as we are only supposed to post on the henpals diary but how can we resist an invitation to chat to henpals from an exotic foreign land with such cool and edgy fashion sense?? We are now hatching plots to make our mum gel our feathers and be all punk as we might scare mum then into letting us out into the garden. Chestnut is intrigued by this frostbite thing and has been nibbling on Tiddly's comb to make mum think she's got it, but so far nothing )gr:

We love a party, but we're not sure about sneaking over to yours if jackals and sparrowhawks and other chicken-takeaway-loving villains are hanging about waiting to pour barbecue sauce all over us! yike*

Anyway, don't tell anyone we were here! Mum's the word...
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Cuddles reporting , Escaped from The crowd and loving it. Freedom sort of . We are five and jolly good company . Champ has done a good job and tells Desmond that he is here with us . Desmond is passing the news across the garden . Very cold here went down -8/9 recently . Our portable duva`s are working well . Try putting your head under your wing .
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Trev62 »

Greetings to you Dory Grey and all the gang from the House of the Revlootion, don't worry your secret is safe with me but tell Chestnut that this frostbite thing is not too good as my crown has black tips! Yes black tips! I mean a real punk rooster would have lime green or electric blue tips but not me, mine are black! I am a failure, a failure I tell you! Thinking about it though........with this new paw wax stuff the Boss is putting on my pink bits now I could become a slick biker dude, bit like that Cool guy the Fonz from a few years back (Ah.... memories.... those where happy days!!!) as for hanging about waiting for the nasties to pour barbecue sauce all over you, no chance that will be my job I just love saucy birds!!

Thanks for the tip Cuddles I tried putting my head under my wing but forgot about the wax on it, everything went black then I fell off my perch and cricked my neck trying to get my head back out again!

We had a gathering in the porch today as there was a bitterly cold wind and the Boss left the door open when he went out, I invited all my lady chicks in to relax on the comfy chairs but he was not too happy when he returned as we "accidentally" knocked his freshly planted seed trays off the table and onto the floor, but what a scratching session that was!! The weather is a bit warmer now and the Boss has been out and built us a temporary play area from old car tyres and logs with plenty of straw thrown around it though the down side is we have to share it with the rabid rabbit Percy.

Still, we are all doing well even my two moody matrons contributed to the egg tally this week so we hit a record high of twenty, the Boss rewarded us with a meal of rice, peas and sweet corn, yummy.

Cluck Cluck for now

Blackie aka Michael Caine
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Minxy »

I enjoyed reading this, thanks for sharing. Michael Caine is a bit of a stunner. :)
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by Cheshire Chick »

Lovely stories - I enjoyed them too. )like(
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by KarenE »

Hello Michael Caine, Dory Grey sneaking in again just to say that if you like a saucy bird, we have a whole flock of them - the HP Saucies! They allow their mum to post on their behalf on her diary - HenPen, and of course they post as themselves on the Official Henpal Diary (accept no imitations)

We think black tips are very chic and cool. So we have spent all weekend rubbing our combs in the dirt just sos we can all get black tips too. Unfortunately it means we also get black wattles and beaks, but you can't be too cool!

We have noticed that the hoomans don't seem to like it when we move into their big houses. We don't know why, it's not as though we poo everywhere. Not everywhere. Tiddly has made it her life's mission to take possession of the big house, as she reckons it's cozier than our coop AND more to the point, unlimited treats including pies are there. So forget the seedlings, next time you are in have a good look around for pies (but not chicken ones) )t'

Do come and join us on the henpals diary, if you fancy making direct contact with the Saucies, plus all the other henpals. Of course we think it's brilliant that your dad has let you have your own diary! We're not allowed ours, as Mum says we would take hers over )gr:
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
Also my lost furries Charlie and Jasper
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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by stripeddonkey »

Hi there handsome boy. Florence here.


I'm leader of the Elderslie Eggers. We are a small but perfectly formed group of ladies who live in a place called Scotland. I'm led to believe that we are some of the lucky ones this week because our person mum was able to let us out of our lodgings to stretch our legs and scratch around the garden. I don't know if this has something to do with it but I am really good at raising my voice any time person mum passes by. My flock sisters tell me to shut up sometimes particularly little Matilda - she seems happy wherever she is, even stuck in the run.

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Re: Trev's Troupe

Post by sandy »

Blackie we havent heared from you in ages! come on gorgeous +f+
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