Frugal Living

A Frugal, Thrifty Life for saving Money & enjoying Self-Reliance

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50 Frugal Tips

One line solutions to saving money & spending less!

It's best to be well organised - use a simple system - receipts, guarantee's etc.
Draw up a balance sheet of income / expenditure to assist to balance spending
Make full use of budget schemes for Gas, Elec. etc. - avoid being in credit
Always fully check any statements, bills etc. when they arrive
Cancel subscription early to avoid payments
Use a credit card for mail order and goods over £100 for free insurance
Shop around for insurance (life assurance is cheap)
Ensure you can meet payments before signing an insurance policy
Make a will, use a solicitor or, if not, a will pack from WHSmith

Make full use of Phone Company off peak times - especially weekends
Avoid operator services i.e. reverse charges or alarm calls
Call barring is free and can save a fortune
If you have a problem phoning - phone the operator for a credit
Use a tube of polyfilla for small holes
Avoid cheap paint - it's thinner and harder to match
On ceramic hobs, use a credit card as a scraper
If a hob is very dirty, cover with dishwasher powder and tea towel overnight

Use newspaper as underlay - it is warm and reduces wear in the carpet
Always get written quotes NOT estimates
NEVER pay in advance for services, only for materials if delivered to your home
Insulate your loft - the pay back is only two years (try for a Grant)
Fit TRV's to radiators - then control temp lower
One degree set lower on central heating can save 5% in costs
Avoid using an immersion heater, even in summer
Make sure the hot water temp is no more than 60 deg C.

Dimmer switches save electricity and lighting looks better
Use energy saving light bulbs wherever practical
Ensure washing machines are always full and on lowest temp for load
Replace / clean seals on fridges, freezers and cookers
Defrost your freezer at least twice a year to reduce running costs
A full freezer is more economical to run - stack with short dated sale items

Use sherry bottle tops to seal bottles instead of buying plastic stops
Add olive oil to left over wine and use it for cooking
Buy cut price blue cheese after Xmas - freeze it - use it for dips
Use junk mail envelopes by sticking labels over them
Use rechargable batteries in items wherever possible
Re-cycle J clothes by washing in the dishwasher / washing machine
TV and videos are so reliable it is not recommended to rent them
Check the full cost of extended warranties before signing for them

Shop at second hand shops in better areas - for better products
Dye dingy white underwear in strong tea / coffee
Buy clothes at Jumble Sales - just for the buttons !
Buy BP/BPC products at the chemists, not named products
Citronella oil is available from the chemists - for scented candles
For a cheap family holiday - house swapping is very good and practical


Don't drive when you can cycle - have fun and stay fit!!



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