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Tips on getting out of debt

Facing up to money you owe and drawing up a plan of action

Accept you're in debt

Accept it's not going to go away

Make a plan of action and a target date

Look around for all sources of extra income

Look for things you have, don't need and could sell them

If really serious, seek help from reputable people

Phone your debtors before they phone you

Pay whatever you have when you have it and before you spend it

Share the problem with someone and ask them to ask you for up-dates

See it as a personal challenge

Don't ask friends or family to help unless you absolutely have no alternative

Print off a mini-statement daily

When it's cleared;

Be proud of yourself

Prepare for 'a next time'

Avoid a next time

Never, ever let go of your Life Dream


So, you will have guessed from the above that it's best to lay your cards on the table and face the music so to speak.

I tried forgetting the problem wasn't there, did all the things us blokes do; put the letter un-opened behind the books, didn't anser the Phone, didn't seek financial help, in fact I never really told anyone.

Going back and when I get into a similar problem now, the first thing I do is to go into the Bank, I don't phone them, face to face is better, they can put a face to the figures on the Computer screen, so you're not just another number.

As hard as it is, you have to remain positive. It's not so much making a plan (most don't work anyway), it's about knowing what the problem is and listing a set of options to help you get through it.

But most important of all, accept you have a problem. Once you've done that, it's uphill from thereon.

There are plenty of ways to get ahead. The first is so basic I'm almost embarrassed to say it: spend less than you earn. ~ Paul Clitheroe




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