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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi Sandy , I carry a chess set in van .
I played a game again . I really enjoyed it .
He opened up same pawn move I went in knowing my next 5 moves . I attacked my right side ,his left . was pretty close to check mate as king was trapped by his pieces on the back row. He managed a counter attack and made many piece lead . but he was still in a bad position . More pressure with Queen , Horse , pawns moving ever closer to the back row , supported with Castle . He swapped the queen , had to chose the castle or the bishop , piece s equal but nothing to defend the king with as the right side had hardly moved Blocked in and seeing know escape knocked the king over as pawns was about to be made Queens . So now 15.5 - 14.5 to me . I must admit I done a victory dance in front of the girls which he did not see . we both complemented each others moves and agreed a really good game and request for a rematch , UNFORTUNATELY , I am off to NZ holiday and he is off on a S/Africa tour before I get back so it will be nearer Xmas before rematch.
happily in front Bob
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Well latest is I got 2 in front really good game won with only a few bits taken off .
I followed by loosing 2 so it is 17.5 drawing.
Played not so good and he played well.
On another note I showed my bad side when I p[layed Risk with SHMBO family . I was noty getting my way and the others had the upper hand , I sat there with arms crossed and pulling a face . Which was well noticed .
Stamped my feet and moaned as well . most out of character >>>>>
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Mo »

bikesandbirdsbob wrote:.....
Stamped my feet and moaned as well . most out of character >>>>>

Oh dear, you have reminded me of a game of monopoly played with my cousins in my teams. "will you sell Mayfair for £100" - "yes of course" - followed by a sulk because she would not honour the contract.
Dance caller.
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , game on Sunday . Best get my thinking head on as as a draw do not want to make his day and lose ....
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , weekend I managed to get 3 games of chess in a row.
being 14.5 each , gloves where off and concentration by both was in evidence.
minutes was taken on each move .
1st game was tactical and mercy /quarter given . He was going for pieces and I was going for position .
He was 2 pieces up when I exchanged queens and left his right side , my right well open and with a castle move to the right Had a straight run for the back line with his king on the left blocked in by my bishop and his castle and pawns .
seeing He was s boxed and no moves and time to get his king free and a final assault on my defence position he knocked over his king and gave up 15.5 -14.5 -pressure off me and back on him .
Straight away he was up for another game . (He still keeps saying he made bad moves detracting away from my sheer brilliance ).
2nd game he tried a different opening moves . but I stuck to a plan of getting checkmate as soon as I could make an opening .
I played along with his taking pieces and took out his favourite piece the horse(Knight) He hates this me swapping bishop for a horse .He was again up 1 piece . Forced Queen swap and a extra piece for me even though it was a pawn.
Actually got the king again on the back row checkmated and he did not see it coming .. was so keen to take a piece on my left which I put up for sacrifice .
Such fun to see his face light up when he said you did not see that . Without a comment castle up to his back line and bang smirky face wiped off .
16.5 -14.5 even more comfortable.
3rd game was more hard work as he was getting desperate now for a win and I did not want to get over confident.
Again I played to win but relaxed to indulge in piece taking with him . But he saw the end coming and knocked his king over saying still he made some bad moves.
I did say that maybe he should play adults and not 6 year olds and his game may improve.

From this and I tried to explain that he has a fault line that dictates he goes for pieces and not a plan on how to win . I went out with SHMBO this weekend looking for a HOW TO PLAY CHESS book. His birthday end of the month so a present that could be helpful . I have also requested the same book so I can what moves he may make and act accordingly.
So a great afternoon fun , 17.5 points to me and 14.5 to David (the loser ) .
Great games though he spoils it by be-little-in the games by saying he is bad . I tell him it is a hard game(s) . but he does not understand.
Bring on the nest games.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , well this is getting boring now , played again a few hours ago . he was taking pieces left right and centre. Was a bit concerned , but he left his king after castling on the right (his ) with 2 pawns (castle and Knight) infront of him . I just got my castle to the centre moved to cover the pawns , he went to protect and take a pawn on my right . Up went my castle to his back line CHECK MATE .
Game over . Should have seen his face . same old story ( I made a mistake ) .
Never I beat him fair and square ......
Still as the saying goes the pleasure was all mine even though he had taken 3 more pieces of mine and he had read books and computer moves for practise .
So now 18.5 myself and 14.5 to him . COMMANDING LEAD NOW.
I do enjoy the game and it makes me think . I do not think he will ever learn that it is not the pieces but the end game that counts.
Also I love it when he does not see it coming .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi You can play on line against each other , but do not know how to do it .
I always have a chess set in van .
Yes they do have teams and take turns without talking moves.

Latest .
Played Sunday afternoon . I must say being four games down made my opponent much more focused . First game I played new opening moves as being in front by 4 games could afford to experiment a bit . Well opened up on my left side . Played well again attacking his King from the left as he opens on the Queen side . Great game I lost my Queen which I should not have but I had his king in my sights and got to focused on it . With that my defence was left open and he countered me and I went on the back foot . End result he got me Check mated , which made him grow at least six inches . After running round his front room explaining how he won to anybody that would listen . I said he played very well and beat me fair and square , not I explained saying I made a mistake with the queen which he was using as his turning point of the game.
Well he wanted another game as his luck was in .
I set the board up while he was shouting how good he is.....
So 17.5 to 14.5 to me new game ...
Well I opened up same moves and he was defending well , I gave up too many pieces whilst attacking but could not get the knock blow even though his king was on the back line and the castles each end and my queen , castle one move short of check mating him . But his good play did not allow me the killer blow . Ended up losing again which he deserved .
So now 2 game lost in one day and he decided to give it a rest not pushing his luck strutting around like my cockerels in the garden . I did point out that I won 4 games in a row and still 2 up .
Well bring on the next games . If I lose the next one the pressure will be on me again. So in the mean time I will be relaxed and let him stand in the sun for a little while .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi latest games from Sunday.
first game lost , beaten soundly . Played to win but lost some pieces unnecessarily .
16.5 to 17.5 to me .
Next game he was beating me ,but managed to get behind his defence with a castle and reduced his advantage considerably.
I had pawns on the attack both sides of board and he was checking me with his castle . Though he was in a fair position he was not happy to put his faith in his abilities . I warned on the second same moves that a draw could be called on the third same move . After a long time of thinking he made the same move and I thought about it and done the same move and called it a draw. I am sure I could have won but like him my playing has slipped and would not like to have risked it .
So final days matches ended 1 lost and a draw making it 17 -18 one up to me . Going to have to put my chess head on next time to keep the advantage or it will be game on in 2 games time.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by sandy »

Played anymore games revenlty Bob?
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

No not lately been out pic-nicking and trust houses etc. with him. Keeps asking for a game though.
Going to have to play seriously when I do as his head will not go out the front door.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , I think I need a chess coach , morale boaster in the corner . Encouraging me on . Maybe a cheer leader behind me to put him off , a crowd watching going Tut Tut when he picks a piece up and puts it down . (Like tennis ) .
Should play him this week end.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by sandy »

Mo… when I played monopoly with a friend and her stroppy brother he actually picked up the board and chucked it out of the window, counters, money and all! I made my excuses to leave as my friend was about to explode {rofwl}
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

Sunny Clucker was ere July 12-21 2012
Sunny Clucker was ere July 6 2016 to Sept 9th 2017
Sunny Clucker is here , rehomed Aug 18th 2018/
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , I managed to get 2 games in last weekend. Good games an all.
Full description later if anyone wants to read.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , Last Sunday my opposition was up for a game . His other half said have you got your new (200 pound ) glasses on . I think she was taking the mike . He said he was in good state and game on. Well I went for my winning opening position right side pawns against his queens white pawn opening move I moved up on the left side of his middle pawn which he took and I went straight in and took queen with my queen . He then moved his king so no castle move for him. I was a bishop and knight and several pawns against his 2 bishop and a night and less pawns . I was attacking and all he was concentrating on was pieces. I got his left side my right side castle with my last knight . I castled and my castle moved up the back line and his king was cornered by my pieces and his own on the left. Knight and castle finished him off. Again he had more of my pieces than me , BUT I WON BY CHECKMATE . That made me 2 up and comfortable .
Next Game same opening moves and after my chat on how to win by checkmate and not pieces , he opened in the same way and I responded much the same taking pieces out that I know he uses . I E Knights and Queen. With out them his tactics are failed. I set him up with a few moves that brought his left side over again to the right and with pieces short he left himself open again . He saw the end was coming and knocked over the king . 3 up and sitting pretty again. Next few games I can afford to relax and try a few different moves ,maybe with the QUEEN..
19.5 t0 16.5 A smile on my face . after the last games of losing on the trot , SHMBO was giving me a rough time saying watch out , I might eat humble pie . Not sure what that taste likes , I have eaten enough pies Sandy so I will have to try it some time.
see you soon .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

My Chess partner played another family member , only won , he must be happy now , probably play him till he stops winning .....
Still let him smile . (Give his opposition some training so he will win )
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