
Gardening to 'grow your own food' from square foot to half an acre !!
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Post by Gwenoakes »

or are they?
I planted two courgette plants some weeks ago and they are growing very well, but I have huge round ones, very, very long ones which are massive and not at all like the ones I buy in the shops.
My question is are they courgettes or are they something else as some of them look like marrows if I am honest.
I did a pasta bake last night and had some in that and they tasted like courgettes.
Anyone any ideas please.
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lancashire lass
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Re: Courgettes

Post by lancashire lass »

courgettes are just baby marrows (before the seeds get big) and they come in a range of shapes and colours. Yes, some will be round, some yellow, some pale green, dark, long and thin or short and fat and some even striped. Where did you get the plants? If someone grew them from their own saved seed, it's possible what you have are hybrids - courgettes readily cross pollinate with other courgette/marrow and even winter squash ... to a bee, all the flowers look the same. If it tastes like a courgette, all I can say is accept it as one )t'
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Re: Courgettes

Post by Gwenoakes »

Thanks, LL.
I got two plants from the local garden centre the reason being they were very cheap and we do like courgettes and I love a bargain.
I knew the plants would grow big, so did not want to set from seed as I only have limited space, my thinking was that the seeds would go past their sell by date by the time I got to use them all.
The added bonus is that the chickens also like them. Think I may set from seed another year and see what happens.
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