New green normal

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New green normal

Post by Meanqueen »

The New Normal is a term chosen to encourage people to comply with new rules and restrictions. It's a control mechanism, linked to climate change and the virus. There are too many people on the planet.

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Re: Cheapest Petrol Prices in your Area

Post by Mo »

So do you think there should be control of what people do?
Yes there are too many people. Maybe the virus will change that. And many (all of us?) will do they want and never mind who suffers. The louts dropped a bag of beers bottles in the middle of the road in our village, with no attempt to clear up the glass. The people who buy battery chicken with no thought for the bird's suffering. Or (no I won't incriminate myself). Is the best thing I can do for the planet to stop eating (dairy is bad, palm oil is bad etc. etc)

I suppose we would feel more inclined to obey rules if we felt that they were fair and 'they' didn't get away with pay no taxes, trips to Barnard Castle etc.

In the past the control was the church, and it could be oppressive to those who didn't agree, while the rich got away with everything and a death-bed repentance and building a fancy church with some of their gains.
Have things swung too far the other way?

We've come a long way from petrol prices - on your bike.
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Re: Cheapest Petrol Prices in your Area

Post by Mo »

Not at all - I was thinking that if we cared about the planet we should be cycling rather than driving. Trouble is everything I enjoy is further than I can cycle. 17 or 35 miles home from dance club, 15 miles home from choir, all ending at 10pm.

I'm still interested to know who you think is controlling and brainwashing us.
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Re: New green normal

Post by Mo »

This is how this thread started, but I split it at the wrong place
Re: Cheapest Petrol Prices in your Area
Postby bikesandbirdsbob » Today, 08:16

Hi 1.139 pl .
As for the planet less fuel being used , less flights , less food as no work less of everything .
Must have done something for the planet .
Even less people on it .
Not sure those with no work might feel happy with saving the planet though .
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Re: New green normal

Post by Mo »

And the second post.
Cheapest Petrol Prices in your Area
Postby Mo » Today, 08:58

I think a lot of people just want to get back 'to normal' instead of taking the chance to consider what a new normal should be. We have seen what government CAN do in a crisis, and climate change is a crisis.
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Re: New green normal

Post by Freeranger »

I agree that there are too many people and wee need to do the planet-friendly thing when we can, but I genuinely think the new normal stuff is about following the science and trying to protect as many as possible from catching the virus.
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Re: New green normal

Post by Mo »

I think different people are using the term in different ways. We have to do both, and it seems that some people think they can go back to their old ways.
It could have been a chance for a shake up, since things were disrupted anyway lets think about how we could do things better. But the chance has been missed, subsidies have been given 'to protect jobs' or was it to help their friends and party donors, when the money could have been concentrated on the neediest individuals.
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Re: New green normal

Post by lancashire lass »

Mo wrote:it seems that some people think they can go back to their old ways.

Before the pandemic when I was looking at the environmental impact that humans have on the planet (unsustainable, polluting and so on), it was very black & white to me where we should stop doing things. For example, air travel and holidays abroad is insane - I don't have a problem with someone enjoying a holiday but to a lot of people it has become a necessity (how many couldn't get away fast enough while we are still in the middle of a pandemic to countries that still have cases of coronavirus) and how many of my FB friends seem to have not one but several overseas holidays in a year and are complaining about being denied one while people around them are dying of a disease that has been imported because of this global travel? Then we had lock down and I have to admit seeing the impact on the economy and dependence of so many relying on tourism one way or other for their livelihood was a revelation. And that's just one thing I'd noticed. A lot of countries that depend on tourism have little else to generate income so it's not so black & white as it conflicts with climate change policies to reduce CO2 emissions.
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Re: New green normal

Post by Mo »

Yes I know what you mean LL.
But is it a healthy way for that countries economy to be? And who is getting the profits from the tourism? The locals or are they just being exploited for some big company?
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Re: New green normal

Post by lancashire lass »

Mo wrote:The locals or are they just being exploited for some big company?

Well of course big companies (hotels, airlines, travel agencies) play a part in generating that part of mass tourism but there will be lots of small businesses and individuals who contribute. For example, to encourage local people to preserve their natural resources (whether it is burning down forests for grazing land or hunting / poaching / fishing endangered species to sell to overseas buyers), tourism brings in an alternate (and before the pandemic) a steady income they otherwise would not have. Knowledge of the area (such as using ex-poachers) has in some cases helped such as the preservation of mountain gorillas, and what about scuba diving round tropical islands, then there are artisans producing local crafts to sell or prepare local foods. Just a shame that tourists themselves are sometimes responsible for a lot of the damage done to those areas.

Here in the UK, overseas tourists bring in a lot of money to the country - such as London with its theatres and restaurants that have all been impacted. And don't forget the small businesses that supply the bigger ones. The UK lost a lot of its manufacturers over the decades - these were dirty and polluting so in some ways tourism is a lesser evil. And what few manufacturers we do have use a lot of automated technology and so need fewer people to operate and that affects employment. The gig economy is not ideal but at least some people did manage to earn a living even if it is temporary and uncertain but better than being long term unemployed and relying on benefits.

Changing the topic a little, personally I have found working from home during the pandemic has been beneficial - I had flexible hours so I could start early or later or take big breaks, as long as I did the hours and met the targets (which would have been expected of me if I'd actually gone to work so no pressure there) and of course, I didn't need to use my car that much except to do the shopping. Home working is a greener option in that respect - but it does rely heavily on technology which is not my strong point (I know enough to do what I need on the basics but there's been a big drive on using new systems and various methods for example, developing online teaching which makes me feel like a technology dinosaur and left me struggling ... and unlike an office setting where you might lean over and ask someone to show you what to do, it's not easy when on your own) The downside is the isolation when working from home - for someone who normally works alone most of the time in my normal job, I became acutely aware that first week of how quickly I missed the passing pleasantries such as saying hello to people coming into the office or the little chat in the corridor but then I got used to it. Being much older than my younger colleagues, I was a lot more focused on just getting on with it but I've heard many couldn't wait to get back to work. So it works for some people but is not for everyone.
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Re: New green normal

Post by Mo »

It's many years (decades) since i worked in an office, but I can imagine that is true. Perhaps ideal would be to go in occasionally, to catch up with people, get help sorting out odd technical problems etc. Would need organising though.
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Re: New green normal

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi try cycling to France and further a field , get a little wet .
Less travel all round .
Like years and years ago do not go out of your own village , less towns and cities .
Go back to surf dome under a lords and kings .
Seem to have seen some cult films about it .

Maybe `Mad ` Max ones . (Mind you they had vehicles in them .
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Re: New green normal

Post by Mo »

lancashire lass wrote:
I have found working from home during the pandemic has been beneficial - I had flexible hours so I could start early or later or take big breaks, as long as I did the hours and met the targets (which would have been expected of me if I'd actually gone to work so no pressure there)

I was in the car at 9.30 yesterday morning and caught a bit on radio 4 about Parkinsons Law. They suggested that when in the office 'work expands to fill the time available' since you have to look busy as the boss is around. But working from home is different, you can be efficient, do what you had to and then do something else. But the bosses still feel the need to be seen working so 'Zoom expands to fill the time available'.
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Re: New green normal

Post by lancashire lass »

Mo wrote:They suggested that when in the office 'work expands to fill the time available' since you have to look busy as the boss is around. But working from home is different, you can be efficient, do what you had to and then do something else. But the bosses still feel the need to be seen working so 'Zoom expands to fill the time available'.

{rofwl} {rofwl}

Although I have a desk in an office, it is a mixed population so there are no bosses checking over your shoulder. However, as I usually spend time wandering between labs and between buildings (for work purposes), it is not uncommon to meet other colleagues especially if you haven't seen each other for a long time and start chatting. The key to "looking busy" is to carry a clipboard and pen as though you are in a legitimate conference ...

Regards Zoom/Microsoft Teams, it does have a dual purpose - first of all, especially for those who live alone, it is meant to be a buddy system to reduce feelings of isolation.

Secondly, keeping people up to date with changes that are happening as lock down measure ease up and people are encouraged to go back to their place of work - not everyone can go back even with the social distancing rules and sometimes face to face (via the videolink) discussions are needed which are quicker to resolve than by email. For example, as my "Covid age" after medical assessment is borderline, I try to avoid situations where there are crowds of people even if social distancing is in place - so I avoid going out whenever possible, and only go to my local supermarket when there are fewer people around. At work, I start an hour earlier than I used to when I can get about 2-3 hours done before others start to turn up and that also means it allows more people to go in later than if I had worked regular hours (we have restricted numbers of people allowed at any one time down to about a quarter of what it used to be, so that means setting up booking systems to limit access)

Thirdly, yes there is an element of keeping you on your toes to make sure you are actually working - after all, your employer is paying you to work whether you are at work or at home, so it is only right that they check up on you. But then again it is two way discussion - if the output is dropping, then what is the problem? Maybe the set up is wrong from a health & safety point of view (like when I asked for my office chair when we had a slight easing up of restrictions as I couldn't bear sitting on the kitchen chair for any length of time), or some part of the work has met a stumbling block (such as rising to the challenge of ever changing technology as a result of the home working ... unlike the younger generation, I am a bit of a technology dinosaur and struggle even with the terminology) It also depends on your age and experience - my home project is the same thing over and over and over (I open a document, go to various supplier sites, copy and paste the relevant information from different parts into the document, check the format, check the spelling, double check everything is done, digitally sign as reviewed, save and then move a copy across to the online site for others to access and use as reference. Then I check my list of what needs to be done and indicate that particular task is complete before going on to the next one and so on) As my early employment was a clerical assistant, I was used to this kind of repetitiveness while my younger colleagues are not - so my line manager is satisfied with my progress and therefore I need less managing. Plus, I really don't like the video calls as it feels like an invasion of my privacy and I have said as much.
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Re: New green normal

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , I must throw my 10 pence worth in .

Working from home .
2 type of work
Those that could and those that have no chance (Factory workers etc . If I took a vehicle through the gates to take home to work on , I would be arrested ….
Now if you work from home you have more breakdowns .
If you have the only skill in the world you are safe .
If you have 2 people with that skill then 50-50 chance of keeping it unless 3 companies need you to work .
When it gets to the common .bottom office computer workers they have millions of people that would do their work for less . when in the office they can not do it , open the door s and you have trouble . Had it done to me etc .
Next why live in Essex , move to Cornwall , Scotland , Wales some beautiful part of the country as long as a connection to the sky etc.
So large people working in towns are finished .
years ago field workers went to towns to work in mills , now they are returning .
Where I work they stopped making ventolaters and are making electric scooters for London scheme . Saved lives now the planet …..
So the future is all depending on what you are able to do and hold on to.
Probably why the PM said get back to work , knows that the work will go abroad if not .
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