Herbal help for 'those problems'

Also known as 'Sea, sun and "oh well, we'll just have a drink instead"

Firstly, what gets up my nose are two things;
1. It is associated with 'old'
2. Why do I get so many emails saying I need it !!

But, in all seriousness, it is something which could affect us at any time and there's no going around the houses - it is a natural act which we enjoy and want to get right.

Our email inbox is usually loaded with cheap ways of getting the 'V' pill, usually from foreign sources and a trip to the Doctors is often fobbed off with the words 'Stress', 'over tired' or 'your general health isn't up to taking them'. This could of course just be saying that the Surgery can't afford it - who knows ?

But there are other ways of maybe sprucing your love life up a bit. Besides good exercise and keeping generally fit thus keeping the old blood circulating better, there are a fair amount of Herbal supplements which can help considerably.
There is some evidence to say 'if you believe it will work, it will', but most herbal supplements are based on a fair bit of experience and fact - although the general medical opinion will often go against it.

Top of the Pops for men would appear to be aptly named  Horny Goats Weed  Horny Goatsweed. It was apparently 'founded' by a Goat Herder in China who, upon eating the weed, found himself somewhat desiring afterward !
It is also believed to assist sufferers of Kidney complaints, liver and joint disorders (sounds a good package to me !!)

The other thing to remember is that this problem does not just relate to men. Women can have the same discouraging 'symptons' and a good physical relationship is just as important to both genders.

Male impotence effects younger and older men alike. it also varies in severity from those with a total inability to sustain an erection, to those who suffer an inconsistent ability to attain erections. There is also a middle ground where some men suffer from only brief erections.

Impotence can occur at any age, although it is less common in younger men. It does however occur more frequently as men become older. By the age of 45 most men have experienced some form of erectile dysfunction.

Impotence can result from a complete range of factors. Psychological factors such as performance anxiety, Sociological factors such as negative sexual attitudes and Medical / Physical causes like poor circulation.

Although most men will experience impotence a few times during their life, if it persistently reoccurs then medical advice should be sought. Treatment that follows will depend on the underlying cause.


Please ensure you read all medicine details thoroughly and it is safe for you to take anything

As with anything, if in doubt, ask your Doctor for advice.
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A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

Elvis Presley A little less conversation

The healthier and fitter you are, the better your physical relationship life will be. Taking regular exercise to improve your muscles, your cardiac system and your flexibility will help you to stay sexually active for many years. In short, keeping fit will keep you sexually active. But the reverse is also true. Couples who continue to have an active physical relationship life are also likely to keep fit, and age more slowly (or at least look as though they are). An active sex life produces a variety of chemicals that helps us to feel happy, enhances the immune system, increases lean body tissue and thickens skin tissue. (BBC)